Brevity of Life
/Brevity of Life
At the end of last year, a dear friend gave me a devotional book written by Jennifer Kennedy Dean, called Prized. It is a 30-day devotional that helps the reader experience the tender love of the Savior. Each day focuses on one word of tender love. Words like treasured, beloved and nourished.
Two of the most profound days to me were Day 15: Marked and Day 25: Planted. Day 15 tells of the amazing wonder that Christ Himself was marked for us. Jennifer says, “I have been fascinated for years that Jesus retained His crucifixion scars in His heavenly resurrection body.” On Day 25, Jennifer shares that He has deliberately planted His followers in a well-watered garden even in the midst of sun-scorched earth. She tells of a landscape project in her yard and says, “I’m told it will root and flower and will be lush and beautiful soon.”
The words and the images Jennifer created are profound in themselves but what makes these profound for me is that Jennifer suffered a heart attack on June 12, 2019, and passed away…three months before the release of Prized. So, as I read her words, I cannot think of her and what she is experiencing now. She is able to touch the crucifixion scars that have fascinated her for years. She is seeing Jesus and His resurrected body face to face.
And what about that landscape project? Did she ever see it take root and flower? Did she ever see it lush? The flowers would be beautiful soon, but was it soon enough for Jennifer to see it this side of heaven?
Friends, life is short. Our time on this earth is just a vapor the book of James tells us. We are here and then we are gone. We have started a new decade – the start of the 3rd decade of the 21st century. Who remembers (like it was yesterday) the fear of Y2K?
You may never write a book or scale Mt. Everest or run for political office but you will leave a legacy. You will leave an impact on your corner of the world. What are your children going to say about you when you are gone? What about your spouse? Your friends? Are they going to say what is in your heart? What are your intentions? Will they know how you feel about them?
Start working today on making sure that your eulogy is what your heart longs to hear. Choose joy. Love deeply. Live well. Trust me, you will not regret it if you do.