What can Happen in 90 days?
/It is often said that we over estimate what we can do in a day and underestimate what we can do in a year. Have you found this to be true as well? My to-do list is usually longer than my day but when I think about what I want to accomplish in the next 12 months my list is not much longer.
This reality came true to me so well in the past 90 days. At the end of 2015, I started a Couch (read – potato couch) to 5K training program. It is an app on my phone that I can use while exercising that will help me go from sitting on the couch not running at all to running a 5K (3.1 miles.) Each week you have different walking/running assignments that gradually increasing to running 30 minutes straight.
For example, week 1 is made of 3 “runs” in which I walked 90 seconds than jogged 60 seconds and repeat for a total of 20 minutes per run. Week 2 the regime was 3 “runs” of 90 seconds of walking then 2 minutes of walking and repeat for a total of 20 minutes per run. Week 5 was jog for 5 minutes then walk for 3 minutes and repeat for a total of 21 minutes. Lastly, week 8 was jog of 28 minutes after a 5 minute warm up.
On December 28th, when I started, I really struggled to jog the 60 seconds. Everything hurt, I couldn’t breathe, I barely picked up my feet. It was pretty pitiful. I thought that there was no way I could ever run for 3+ miles! But I didn’t quit. I did what the app told me to do and I did it when it was cold, when it rained or when I was tired. However, before I knew it I had done it!! I had run a 5K and then I got really crazy and have started to Couch to 10K app.
The first of week of the third quarter is coming. The sun will set and the sun will rise 90 times and there is nothing we can do to stop that. However, we can be different people at this year’s 4th of July party. We can choose a goal, make a plan and then execute on that plan. You have the power to change you. Will you do it or will you be the same?
Please reach out to me if you need help with a plan or just to tell me what you plan to change in these next 90 days. See a change, make a plan and then do it!