The Truth About Lies
/Manipulation. Embellishment. Deception. Falsehoods. Untruths. Little white ones. Fabrication. Slander. Tale. Whoppers. Whatever you call them, they are still lies and if left unchecked it will cause disaster in your life! "How do I know?" you may ask. I know because my life became a disaster as I continued to lie and believe lie after lie. But don't just take my word, look at what Proverbs says about lies.
Our lies will always find us out. (19:5)
Lies for a time seem good. (20:17)
Lives built on lies will crumble. (21:6)
Lies are the root of all pain. (25:18)
The Lord hates lying lips. (6:17)
What is so wonderful is that the opposite of lying is freeing and life giving. Lies destroy but truth will set you free. Oh it may be painful at first but in the end truth is the best course of the small things of life - "You have a bit of spinach between you two front teeth and each time you say the 'th' sound it flaps just a bit" as well as in the big things of life - "You need to end your engagement because your fiancee is in debt up to his ears and is not anywhere near ready for marriage."
In my life, I was blessed to have people speak truth to me that uncovered the lies I was believing. Those truths were painful to take at times but because of the love for me of the truth speaker it made it just a bit more palatable. And in the end, those wonderful truths brought freedom and life.
Why don't you take some time today and examine your life to see if there are any lies that you are believing? Or why not ask a trusted friend if he or she thinks there are lies you are acting on in your life? Of you are really gutsy, why not ask God? It may be painful at first but in the long run it will set you free!