Snap! Snap! Snap!
/In my last post I mentioned that my first contract when starting KBT Consulting was with The Source for Women. That contract as well as the words spoken to me by The Source’s CEO, Cynthia Wenz, encouraged me to “go for it” and believe the impossible. Since the completion of that contract, there have been other contracts but it was a “volunteer” engagement as a panelist at their spring banquet that has lead me back into a deeper commitment one of my two passions – the Life movement.
Let me tell you about that night...
Snap! Abortion. Snap! Abortion. Snap! Abortion. Snap! Abortion. Snap! Abortion. Snap! Abortion. Snap! Abortion. Snap! Abortion. Snap! Abortion. Snap! Baby Saved!
The sound of Dr. Bruce Wilkinson’s, keynote speaker at the 2011 The Source for Women banquet, finger snapping still resonates in my ear. Praise the Lord for the 240 babies that were saved through the ministry of The Source in 2010. Praise Him for the estimated 2,400 little ones and their mothers who were snatched from the edge of a life changing choice by the work of the 20+ pregnancy centers in the Greater Houston area. Each life is a vast potential of unknown impact. We are grateful!
However, as Dr. Wilkinson clearly pointed it out...we are failing miserably compared to our competition – abortion providers. Yes, we did better than last year and yes, are “numbers” look great compared to other centers and even compared to other non-profits. However, when we compare our selves with our competitors – we come up sorely short, even woefully. Based on the latest annual statistics, there were at least 24,000 abortions! That means for every baby saved, nine!! were lost to the “competition.”
Every 22 minutes a baby is lost to abortion in the Greater Houston area. Every 3 hours and 40 minutes a baby is saved by a pregnancy center!
Snap! Abortion. Snap! Abortion. Snap! Abortion. Snap! Abortion. Snap! Abortion. Snap! Abortion. Snap! Abortion. Snap! Abortion. Snap! Abortion. Snap! Baby Saved! Snap!
Dr. Wilkinson shared a visit he once made to the Saturday morning leadership team meeting at Wal-Mart. On the screen, broken down by departments, were the weekly sales numbers of Wal-Mart as well as their leading competitors (K-Mart, Sears, etc.) Every department leader who’s sales were less than the competitors had to stand, give an explanation and provide the solution as to how he was going to rectify the difference that next week. Responsibility and accountability played out.
Before Dr. Wilkerson stood before the amazing supporters of The Source for Women the Saturday night before Easter, he stood before the board and the leadership team of The Source and said, “Here are the numbers. How are you going to rectify this in the coming year?” He challenged them to responsibility and accountability.
You may wonder, “Why ‘them’ and not ‘us’? As the Director of Development, Becky, aren’t you part of the leadership team?”... (to be continued next week)