Do You Have a Nathan?
Accountability is one of those areas in my life that I have a huge love-hate relationship. As a sales person and as a development director, reporting my “numbers” (i.e. calls made, appointments held, sales closed or money raised) seemed like such a hassle but when I did not have to report I always did worse than when I did report. Accountability – it can be a burden but it makes me a better person.
In my spiritual life, I also need accountability. Folks that I know will ask me the tough questions and will not be afraid to confront me if they have discerned that I might be off course. They are not my Holy Spirit nor are they the righteousness police just looking for a chance to nail me. First and foremost, they are friends who love me with an agape love. They are looking out for my best interest. They are also men and women whom I have given the right to hold me accountable. I trust them and desire them to speak into my life. I am a better person because of their influence in my life and for that I am eternally grateful.
The psalmist David had accountability in his life in the form of a prophet named Nathan. Nathan helped David process through big decisions (see 2 Samuel 7 as David contemplates building the temple for God.) Nathan rebuked David when he had committed grievous sins (see 2 Samuel 12 concerning his sins against Bathsheba and Uriah.) Lastly, Nathan gently reminds David of his promises (see 1 Kings 1 as David makes Solomon king.)
Nathan traveled with David throughout his life and both encouraged and confronted this giant killer. What about you? Do you have a Nathan in your life? If so, how has your Nathan made you a better person?