Faith Walk in Action
/“Any leads?” “Are you staying in Houston?” “What are you up to these days?” These questions and others have been the conversation starters of many of my visits with my friends these past 30 or so days. How blessed I am to have so many who truly care about me as well as what my future holds? As many of you know, I have felt much like Abraham these past few months. From the Bible, Hebrews 11:8 tells us, “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” I was definitely called to leave LifeHouse and upon my resignation, was not the least bit certain of where I was to go next. But, I loved this recent tweet by Suzanne Eller, gave me great comfort “God didn't ask Abraham to leave his country as a sacrifice, but to move him closer to the promise...”
As I shared in an earlier post, God has given me some direction but it still has been one of the strangest faith walks I have ever been on. What has been so unique about this walk is that instead of being in an “at-ease” position between steps – you know, where you take a step with the left foot and then bring your right foot parallel to your left and stand. This walk has looked more like this…
And since much of this came down during the winter Olympics, apart from the skin tight suit, I have felt a bit like this...
In the ready. On my mark. Awaiting the starter’s gun. Not wanting to miss the signal but also not wanting to get ahead of the voice of God.
Well, now, after being back from vacation for two weeks, I definitely feel like I am in my stride in this next season of my life. There is joy in my steps, my yoke is easy and my burden light. Tomorrow, I will share exactly what I am up!