Doing the Hard Thing
/That I may proclaim it fully and make it clear [speak boldly and unfold that mystery], as is my duty. - Colossians 4:4 (Amplified Bible)
This is Paul’s prayer request to the church at Colossae. God’s chosen evangelist to the Gentiles is asking the saints to pray that he would have boldness! I don’t know about you but this gives me great hope. This says to me (and I am no theologian) that sharing Christ did not come naturally to Paul and he needed prayer to not only do it but to do it well. It was not an easy thing for Paul but hard.
Recently at LifeHouse, we have been able to do the right things even though they have been difficult. There was the call telling a homeless woman that LifeHouse is not a fit for her at this time. Or the time our housedad maintained self control when a resident was yelling and cussing at him. Or the tragedies of watching a resident walk away and choose to live on the streets rather than submit to the guidelines.
Hard things but, oh the fruit that comes from doing it. Paul’s obedience in the hard things is still bearing fruit today. We have seen fruit already from these difficult things, too. Residents making wiser choices. Seeing self control modeled. However, in God’s economy, we don’t always see the fruit the next day. The mark of spiritual maturity is how long one is willing to wait between obedience and blessing. It says in Galatians that if we do not grow weary in doing good, in the proper season (and this could be a long season), we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
As always, the future will bring more hard things for us to do but we know that much more fruit will come from it. Please pray that we will have the wisdom to do the hard things at the correct time and that we would do them well. What hard things are you having to obey the Lord in?